Filmmaking - how did it become a passion of mine?

I have been making films in one way or another since I was around 10 years old. I was always playing around with either our family’s digital camera or later with me or my friends cellphones. We used to make little skits and horror films that we filmed and clipped together in the cellphones own softwares. I was never comfortable acting, so I was always behind the camera (usually still is). And I really loved the producing aspect of it.

Back in 2006 I discovered Youtube by a coincidence. My older brother (Daniel) had quit his ski jumping carrier and someone from the “OG #skijumpingfamily” made this video to honor him. First of all I was devastated that my brother had quit ski jumping and the video was kind actually really heartbreaking to watch. But then. Second of all I was so fascinated that there was this place on the internet where one could put out such videos for everyone to see. It left me so inspired, and I continued to watch videos on Youtube.

In 2008 I posted my first video to Youtube. It was a video from my first day in a k90. It felt like skiflying to me. I jumped 102 meters, a solid personal best for a first, right? I was really proud and wanted the world to know, so I edited and posted this really short video with a massive long “end credit” (because it looked professional right😅). It did quite ok, got a couple thousand views (13k today), and it really got me hyped for making and sharing videos, and got the wheels turning on what still today is one of my big passions. And who knows where it will take me in the future.

Go have a look at my vlogs! They are occasionally fun to watch.